Search Results | history of science

Your search for "history of science" returned 1,920 results

The Most Embarrassing Moments in the History of Science

What? Scientists get things wrong? We know. It’s shocking to hear, but science isn’t always an exact science. Mistakes do happen -- and they often lead to great scientific discoveries. So, grab your safety glasses and see if you can identify the most embarrassing scientific moments ever.

'Everyone Says It So It Must Be True': The Pseudoscience Quiz

We have an astonishing capacity to accept scientific-sounding concepts if we hear them repeatedly. Test your ability to differentiate between real science and fictitious “common knowledge."

The US Presidential History Quiz

How much do you know about the 43 men who have led the United States? Take this quiz to find out.

Attack of the "Mystery Science Theater 3000" Quiz

What do you get when you make an astronaut and his robot pals watch some of the worst movies ever made? Comedy gold, that's what. Learn more with our "Mystery Science Theater 3000" quiz!

What Field of Science Are You?

Human curiosity has lead to the branches of science we use to understand the world. The same impulses that lead us from the trees to walk on our hind legs are the same impulses that lead us to explore space, split the atom, and understand our own bodies. What field of science are you?

How Revisionist History Works

Revisionist history can range from simply correcting a date to reconsidering the causes of a war. Learn why revisionist history is controversial.

Influential People of Science Quiz

These are the people who changed the world's view of the universe and everything around us. How much do you know about them? Here's your chance to find out!

The 42 Things You Should Know About 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'

In its 26-year history, "The Hitchhiker's Guide" has rubbed shoulders with Darth Vader, the Ghostbusters, Pink Floyd and Radiohead and put its stamp on an asteroid. Find out what else you should know.

UFO History

Modern UFO history began with the 1947 UFO sighting by pilot Kenneth Arnold. Learn the history of UFOs from ancient times to the mid-20th century.

Interesting Science Facts Confirmed and Debunked

When reeling off dubious facts (like lemmings plunging off cliffs en masse), there's no better retort to a skeptical audience than calmly explaining that it's not just true — it's science...right?

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